Devotion: Jesus with Us

Devotion: Jesus with Us

By Rev. Jim Buckman

Mary Meyer and her family had just gone to the mission field in Liberia, West Africa. It was their first Christmas away from home, and it was a busy time. She and her husband were working in an orphanage where they were helping to supervise 50 children, along with their own three small children. Mary was trying to make Christmas a special time for the children at the orphanage and for many of the families in the village as well. At the same time, she was trying to make Christmas special for her own family and to instill in their children the true meaning of Christmas; that it is Jesus’ birthday.

Because their children had always had birthday cakes in special shapes, Mary made Jesus’ birthday cake in the shape of a Christmas tree. The children were excited and surprised to see the cake for Jesus. As they looked at it, one of the children piped up, “Who’s going to blow out the candle?” Mary didn’t know how to answer, so she said, “We’ll have to wait until later to find out.” They placed the cake in the middle of their table and enjoyed their Christmas dinner. When they had finished eating, the family joined hands and sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus. Just as they completed the song, a gust of wind came in through the window and blew out the candle! Mary’s three kids stared in amazement as one shouted, “Jesus blew out his candle!”

Some will say it’s just a coincidence but it would have been hard to convince those children of that. For them, Jesus was with them. I pray that as you celebrate Christmas, know that Jesus is there with you no matter what. After all, that’s why He was born… so we can know that God is with us. Merry Christmas.