Devotion: God is with Us

Devotion: God is with Us

By Suzanne Clegg:

“Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.”

Matthew 1:23

When I was pregnant, it was fun to have people ask me about the baby. Even strangers would approach me and ask things like, “Is this your first?”, “Do you know what you’re having?”  I guess it was pretty obvious I was with child!

God declares that he is sending his Son, and that he shall be called Emmanuel, God with us.

During Advent I hope to live as though God is with me, in every minute of every day.  My prayer is that others would see him with me.  Just like it was obvious I was pregnant in 1987, I hope it is obvious I have God with me, living through me and touching the lives of those I encounter daily.


Help me remember you are Emmanuel, Jesus.  Give me a joy, a peace, a hope, that is seen by those around me each day. Thank you for coming into our world and into our lives.
