Sermons on Video (Page 6)
Summer of the Son: “Son-Filled Faith”
Matthew 10: 24-31
Summer of the Son: “Lifeguards on Duty”
Matthew 9: 35-39
Summer of the Son: “Grilling Eggplant”
Matthew 9: 9-13
Summer of the Son: “Summer Sharing”
Matthew 28: 16-20
Closer: “He Has What We Need”
John 7: 37-39
Closer: “Share the Stories”
Acts 1: 6-14
Closer: “The Air We Breathe”
John 14: 15-21
Closer: “Someone to Watch Over You”
John 10: 1-10
Closer: “Walking With Jesus”
Luke 24: 27-35
Closer: “Reach Out and Touch”
John 20: 19-31
Closer: “The Stories Women Tell”
John 20:1-8
Heart to Heart: “What Happens When We Fail?”
Matthew 26: 31-35
Heart to Heart: “Where is Jesus When Things go Wrong?”
John 11: 28-45
Heart to Heart: “Do We Know Jesus?”
John 9:1-12
Heart to Heart: “Does Jesus Know Us?”
John 4: 16-26
Heart to Heart: “What Tempts Us?”
Matthew 4:1-11