Meet our missionaries
Please pray for them as they seek to serve Christ in our world!
his year, we’re supporting Jessie & Cory German. Meet these missionaries that have ties to our church family and pray for them as they seek to serve Christ in our world. You can give a gift to Buford First UMC and mark it “Mission Support,” and it will help us support the Germans and other volunteers who are called to serve as missionaries! If you’d like to support them directly with monetary gifts, please visit their donations page: Jessie and Cory German. We can’t all go, but we can all support those called and willing to go and share the word of God in the world! Prayers and funds make a difference!

Jessie and Cory German have been on the Campus Crusade for Christ staff since 2015. CRU is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to share their faith and bring others into the Kingdom of God. Jessie and Cory live in Podgorica, Montenegro, with their three kids. In a predominantly Orthodox and atheistic society, they work with high school and university students to share how much God loves them and desires a relationship with them personally. Cory also helps the team with operations and finances and sometimes assists with finance training for staff around the world. Questions? Learn more by emailing them at and
International Mission Trips
Youth Mission Trip:
Our 2025 youth mission trip will be in El Salvador. We will be partnering with a local organization called “Epilogos.” Epilogos Charities, Inc works to help improve the lives of impoverished people in San José Villanueva, El Salvador by engaging with the community to develop cost-effective programs to empower the residents. If you want more information regarding Epilogos Charities, Inc you may do so by clicking here. If you want more information regarding this youth mission trip please contact Brendan Rossell Smith.

Whenever there is a disaster in the world, natural or otherwise, we give through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). This organization responds quickly and effectively. We also give to UMCOR every year through our Alternative Christmas Project. Email Brendan Smith for more information.
Heifer Project International

Nearly one billion people around the world don’t have enough food to eat. A self-help worldwide organization, the Heifer Project, supplies farm animals and training to families with the agreement that one of the offspring will be given to a neighbor to perpetuate the program. The Heifer Project has helped more than 22 million families overcome hunger and poverty. Buford UMC supports this ministry through the Alternative Christmas Project each December. Email Sydney Yancey for more information.