Sunday Mornings
Nursery 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Our nursery is a loving and safe place where children under three years old can play and learn about Jesus. The nursery is in Room 202 of the Christian Life Center. Our dedicated workers have all undergone background checks and are certified in First Aid and CPR. They are loving people who truly care for each of our youngest members. Our goal is to “teach children what faith feels like through being nurtured by trusted examples of faithful living.”
“Covid has caused us to make some adjustments to our current class set up. We are currently doing a one-room Sunday school for Kindergarten – 5th graders. Our Nursery is open and operating as stated below. Children who are 3 and 4 can attend the Nursery where there will still be a Bible lesson and craft, or if the parents choose, there is an age appropriate option for them if they wish to join the Kindergarten – 5th grade group. This applies to the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. service hours. Our hope is that we will be able to return to our regular class set-up in the near future.”
9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Worship Service
Children who are Pre-K through 5th grade join the congregation for the beginning of our worship service. About 15 minutes into the service, the children are invited down to the front area of the sanctuary for the Children’s Moment. Afterward, they are dismissed to Room 201 in the Christian Life Center for Children’s Church. They will enjoy a time of children’s activities and learning and are picked up there after the service. Please note that on Communion Sundays, the children return to the service to sit with their families. Children’s bulletins are provided each Sunday and are located on a table in the narthex.
10 a.m. Children’s Sunday School
We use, at this time, a one-room approach for Sunday School and Children’s church. Children who are 3 and under may utilize the nursery and children who are 4 years old to 5th grade meet in room 203. We use Celebrate Wonder, an age-appropriate curriculum for the older and the younger children so they are all able to understand the lesson, do the craft, and benefit from their time in Sunday School.
God lights our world…G.L.O.W. is our children’s music and Christian education program for children ages 3 through 5th grade. The program includes a weekly bible story, craft, music, and recreation. The program is from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Need more information? Contact Susan at .
Other Scheduled Children’s Events
Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt

Let us light up your Easter with glow in the dark bible stories and egg hunting fun! Egg hunts are divided up by age, we have crafts, snacks, and a new unique way of telling the story of Jesus and the resurrection.
Sign up for our Children’s Ministry Newsletter at to find out more!
Vacation Bible School

Each Summer, the Children’s Ministry at Buford First UMC plans an amazing Vacation Bible School that is open to children ages three to 5th grade. Youth who are in 6th grade and up may volunteer to be helpers. Our program includes a week filled with music, bible stories, missions, crafts, recreation, team building and, most importantly, sharing the love of God. Registration opens in March. If you’re interested in volunteering to help with VBS, please email Susan Rosenthal. REGISTRATION OPENS ON MARCH 1ST.
Christmas PJ Pizza Party
During December, we invite the kids to come to the church in their favorite Christmas PJ’s and enjoy pizza and snacks while we watch a Christmas-themed movie, make crafts, and play games in the Fellowship Hall and gym. Kids three years to 5th grade are invited.
Jesus Loves You Snow Much Party

Every year in February, we host a winter-themed party complete with snowballs to remind everyone that Jesus Loves us “snow” much. The kids are invited to come for snacks, games, and loads of fun. Kids three years to 5th grade are invited! The event is held in the BFUMC Gym and Fellowship Hall.
There is “Snowbody” better than Jesus Party
Each December, we host a parking lot party complete with hot cocoa and cookies, bounce house, games, and crafts to celebrate the birth of Jesus! The party coincides with the Buford Christmas Parade and we have one of the best parade views in town.