
No matter what the circumstances, grief recovery is a painful process. Sometimes we need a little help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend.
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help those grieving rebuild their lives. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help those in similar situations through the difficult days ahead.
Our group meets Tuesdays at 2 pm for 13 weeks; the first cycle starts in August and ends in November. The second cycle begins in January and ends in April. To register or for more information, contact Jean Ann Crites.
Homebound Ministry
Members of our Homebound Visitation Team usually have one to three homebound members they visit or talk to over the phone at least once a month. During our visits, we inquire if they need any minor home maintenance repairs, and, if so, we pass this information to volunteers in our church. We also provide copies of the Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide. Our Stephen Ministers can also serve communion.
The Homebound Visitation Team visits homebound members who have been referred to us. Referrals can be made to a church staff member, Pastor Jim, or by emailing our Director of Adult Ministries.
This ministry is a blessing to the homebound members, but God continues to use these people to bless the volunteer caregivers.