Children’s Sermons 2021

Children’s Sermons 2021

We’re excited that you’re worshipping with us online.

Access 2020 Children’s Sermons here.

Join Mrs. Susan at 10 a.m. EST on Sundays for Zoom Sunday School classes. Please complete the lesson and craft before logging onto the class. For Zoom access information, email Mrs. Susan at

May 30

Romans 12: 9-18 – Love in Action
In our story this week, Paul shares what God expects of us in how we love one another. God says to love ALL people. No matter if they are the same as us or different from us. HE says we are to love those who are kind to us and yes, even those who are unkind. We are to treat one another as equals and not to think we are better than anyone else. God wants us to live in peace with everyone. I know that sometimes that is really hard to do, especially if someone is mean to us, or does something that we don’t think is right. However, God wants us to love one another as HE loves us. 

Online Children’s Church with Mrs. Susan
Video Bible Study – Love in Action

Your craft for this week is to create a love banner. Take a big piece of paper and in the middle of it write, “You Are Loved.”  Then decorate it with designs, flowers, and words that describe ways that you are loved or that you can love. ( Hug, Pray, Smile, Share, etc). Then hang it on your fridge to remind you each day that Jesus Loves You! Please email me photos of what you create. I’d love to post them on this webpage.

May 23

Act 2:1-12 — Pentecost
The disciples knew that Jesus had promised to not leave them and would always be with them, but they never expected what happened on the day of Pentecost. Jesus’s family and friends gathered together for a meal and a celebration when, all of a sudden, the wind kicked up and started howling. Flames appeared above their heads and THEN— You have to watch the Bible story to see what happens next.  The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS with us!

Online Children’s Church with Mrs. Susan
Video Bible Study — Pentecost

This week, you’ll be making a Pentecost headband. See examples below for ideas. Please email me photos of what you create. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

May 16

Acts 9:26-31 — The Church Grows
In our lesson this week, we’ll be looking at how the disciples use the teachings of Jesus to continue to grow the church. What does “to grow the church” mean? It means to share Jesus’s love and teachings with as many people as you can and encourage them to come to church.  Sometimes in our faith walk, we might encounter those who don’t know Jesus or believe in his teachings. It’s at these times that we have to do all we can to teach about Jesus and to give people a chance to accept Jesus, like Paul did on the road to Damascus.

Online Children’s Church with Mrs. Susan
Video Bible Study — The Church Grows

You’re going to “grow” your own church. Use what you have around the house to build a church. Take a picture and sent to Ms. Susan at

May 2

Acts 6: 1-7 — Choosing the 7
In this weeks lesson, the disciples learn that they cannot do it all on their own so they reach out for help in the community. They ask the people to pick seven people to help to make sure that everyone gets all the food and help that they need. God wants us to do the same. Reach out and share and ask others to share too.

Online Children’s Church with Mrs. Susan

Video Bible Study — Celebrate Wonder: Choosing The 7


Color the number 7 and write down the names of seven people you could reach to and ask them to help you share God’s Love.

April 25

Acts: 4:32-37 — Believers Share
As the disciples continue to go out and share God’s love, those who believe (Believers) begin to show love to each other and build communities based on love and the teachings of Jesus. This week we’ll watch the Bible story and discuss how we as believers can continue to share in our communities.

Online Children’s Church with Mrs. Susan
Video Bible Study — 8 Believers Share

This week, you’ll make “Jesus Loves Me” yarn sticks and use them in a game to remind you and your friends how much Jesus loves you. Click the link below for directions on how to make the sticks. Once you complete the sticks, hide them in various places in your house, yard, and neighbors’ yards (with their permission) and then wait for your family and friends to find them. When they find them, share with them how much Jesus loves them and how they should take the yarn stick and hide it for someone else to find. This is how we can continue to share His love with others.

Easter Sunday – April 4

Matthew 28:1-10 — Resurrection
Did you hear the good news?  He is risen! Jesus is no longer in the tomb! In our story this week, we hear the ending of one story and the beginning of an even more amazing one.  Jesus knew that he was going to die on the cross for our sins… but he also knew he would be coming back. Watch the Bible story this week and see exactly how it all happened.

Online Children’s Church with Mrs. Susan
Video Bible Study — Celebrate Wonder: Resurrection

Your craft this week is to send a picture of you and your family celebrating Easter and remembering Jesus. You can have your parents email the picture to Mrs. Susan at