It is a joy to welcome you to Buford First! We welcome all persons and want you to know we are happy and honored you are here. At Buford First UMC, we have a rich history serving God and growing in our faith together. Our worship of God is central to the life of our church and, as United Methodists, we believe how important worship is to the life of people. We also have a strong heartbeat for missions and community outreach, both locally and around the world. There is a great spirit of joy in our church as we go about doing good for others in the name of Jesus Christ.
We hope you will explore our website and see all the ministry offerings available for persons of all ages and stages in life. To help our visitors, we’ve answered a few of our most frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the church office at 770-945-7438 or email us.
We would be honored to have you join us Sunday in our beautiful sanctuary for one of our traditional worship services beginning at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Use one of the maps below to find your way around, or please feel free to ask someone for directions. We’ll do all we can to welcome you to our church! Thank you again for visiting with us and may God bless you in your search for a church home.
Grace and Blessings!
The Staff at Buford First UMC
Where do I park and enter the building?
Plenty of parking is available in our main parking lot as well as some spaces along Main Street directly in front of the church. You can enter the church through the main front doors that lead directly to our sanctuary. You may also enter our Christian Life Center (the large building near the back of the parking lot), and there is an area in the lobby where someone will be happy to answer your questions.
I’m parked, now where do I go?
We have two main buildings at Buford First UMC that are each connected by a covered walkway. The Sanctuary building is where we hold our traditional worship services every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m. The church offices are also located in this building. You can enter the Sanctuary from the main front entrance or the side entrance from the parking lot. Should you need to make your way to the Christian Life Center (CLC), exit the Sanctuary through the side entrance (near the piano) and walk under the covered walkway to the entrance of the CLC.

How long are the worship services?
Each worship service usually lasts about one hour.
What should I wear?
We invite you to dress as you feel comfortable. You will observe suits and ties, casual dress clothes, and jeans with comfortable shirts.
What about my children?
Children are always welcome in our worship services. We also provide child care for infants and toddlers at both of our worship services and during our Sunday School hour at 10 a.m. Visit the Children’s ministry page for more information or ask one of our ushers or greeters at the doors of our sanctuary and CLC for assistance.
More questions?
Ask Away! Go to Contact Us.